Technology and Livelihood Education (AdTech80)
Grade 08
Technology and Livelihood Education (AdTech80)
Bible Study 8 (BS80)
Grade 08
Bible Study 8 (BS80)
The Bible Gospel According to Mark, second of the four New Testament Gospels (narratives recounting the life and death of Jesus Christ) and, with Matthew and Luke, one of the three Synoptic Gospels (i.e., those presenting a common view). It is...
Computer 8 (CE80)
Grade 08
Computer 8 (CE80)
English (EN80)
Grade 08
English (EN80)
Holistic Learning: Emphasizing 21st century literacies (civic, health, and environmental literacies and financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurship) 1. Blended learning 21st Century Skills (Using dynamic materials, multimedia and to...
Environmental Science (ENVI80)
Grade 08
Environmental Science (ENVI80)
-Why Study Environmental Science in High School? An introduction to Environmental Science offers students the opportunity to apply scientific knowledge to practical current problems. It helps them better understand the relationship between...
Filipino 8 (FIL80)
Grade 08
Filipino 8 (FIL80)
Baybayin - Paglalayag sa Wika at Paanitikan
Grade 08
-The Music and Art curricula focus on the learner as both the recipient and instructor of the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for artistic expression and cultural literacy. The design of the curricula is student-centered, based on spiral...
Mathematics (Math80)
Grade 08
Mathematics (Math80)
- The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear...
Subject: Grade 8 Integrated Science (SCIE80)
Grade 08
Subject: Grade 8 Integrated Science (SCIE80)

Learning Higher Integrated Sciences.


The learners demonstrate an understanding of basic science concepts and the application of science-inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to...

Asian Cultural & Korean Language 8 (SLK80)
Grade 08
Asian Cultural & Korean Language 8 (SLK80)

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