Grade 10 → Grade Ten 2nd Quarter

Integrated Science 10 (IntegScie102)


The learners demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts and application of science-inquiry skills. They exibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovative beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, make informed decisions, and engage in discussions of relevant issues that involve sci


Three times Online Class in a Week.


Asynchronous learning is a general term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that do not occur in the same place or at the same time.

Examples of asynchronous learning:

Watching pre-recorded lecture videos or lessons. Viewing video demonstrations. Reading and writing assignments. Research projects.

Asynchronous communication happens when information can be exchanged independent of time. It doesn't require the recipient's immediate attention, allowing them to respond to the message at their convenience. Examples of asynchronous communication are emails, online forums, and collaborative documents.


At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the same places in the world and that these are related to plate
boundaries. They can demonstrate ways to ensure safety and reduce damage during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Learners
can explain the factors affecting the balance and stability of an object to help them practice appropriate positions and movements to achieve
efficiency and safety such as in sports and dancing. They can analyze situations in which energy is harnessed for human use whereby heat is
released, affecting the physical and biological components of the environment. Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism
with their deeper study of the excretory and reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information is passed from
parents to offspring, and how diversity of species increases the probability of adaptation and survival in changing environments. Learners can
explain the importance of controlling the conditions under which a chemical reaction occurs. They recognize that cells and tissues of the human
body are made up of water, a few kinds of ions, and biomolecules. These biomolecules may also be found in the food they eat.

This course introduces both the principles and the application of recombinant DNA technology to animals, plants and microbial organism. The course describes the use of genetically engineered products to clean the environment and improve human health.
  • Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Dominance & segregation laws | Heredity & Evolution
  • Independent assortment (dihybrid cross) | Heredity & Evolution
  • Genes, DNA & chromosomes | Heredity & Evolution
  • Sex determination | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Evolution & natural selection | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Genetic drift | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Acquired vs inherited traits | Heredity & Evolution
  • TEST
  • Species
  • Speciation (with example) | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Evolution & classification link | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Homologous & analogous structures | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Fossils & their formation | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Fossil dating | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Evolution is not progress | Heredity & Evolution | Biology
  • Long Quiz
  • Force, Motion and Energy
  • The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed