Bachelor of Science in Theology 1st Year First Semester → Bachelor of Science in Theology 1st Year Second Semester

Computer Science 2

  • Introduction to Operating System (clone)
  • Basics of OS (Computer System Operation) (clone)
  • Basics of OS (Storage Structure) (clone)
  • Basics of OS (I/O Structure) (clone)
  • Computer System Architecture (clone)
  • Operating System Structure (clone)
  • Operating System Services (clone)
  • User Operating System Interface (clone)
  • System Calls (clone)
  • Types of System Calls (clone)
  • System Programs (clone)
  • Operating System Design & Implementation (clone)
  • Structure of Operating System (clone)
  • Virtual Machines (clone)
  • Operating System Generation and System Boot (clone)
  • Structure of Operating System (clone)
  • Virtual Machines (clone)
  • Operating System Generation and System Boot (clone)
  • Process Management (Processes and Threads) (clone)
  • Process State (clone)
  • Process Control Block (clone)
  • Process Scheduling (clone)
  • Context Switch (clone)
  • Operation on Processes - Process Creation (clone)
  • Operation on Processes- Process Termination (clone)
  • Inter process Communication (clone)
  • Shared Memory Systems (clone)
  • Message Passing System - 1 (clone)
  • Message Passing System - 2 (clone)
  • Message Passing System - 3 (clone)
  • Sockets in Operating System (clone)
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) (clone)
  • Issues in RPC & How They've Resolved (clone)
  • Introduction to Threads (clone)
  • Multithreading Models & Hyperthreading (clone)
  • Fork () and exec () System Calls (clone)
  • Threading Issues [fork () & exec () System Calls] (clone)
  • Introduction to CPU Scheduling (clone)
  • CPU and I/O Burst Cycles (clone)
  • Preemtive and Non- preemtive Scheduling (clone)
  • Scheduling Criteria (clone)
  • Scheduling Algorithms - First Come First Served (FCFS) (clone)
  • First Come First Served Scheduling (Solved Problem 1) (clone)
  • First Come First Served Scheduling (Solved Problem 2) (clone)
  • Scheduling Algorithms - Shortest Job First (SJF) (clone)
  • Shortest Job First Scheduling (Solved Problem 1) (clone)
  • Shortest Job First Scheduling (Solved Problem 2) (clone)
  • Scheduling Algorithms - Priority Scheduling (clone)
  • Priority Scheduling (Solved Problem 1) (clone)
  • Priority Scheduling (Solved Problem 2) (clone)
  • Scheduling Algorithms- Round Robin Scheduling (clone)
  • Round Robin Scheduling (Turnaround Time & Waiting Time) (clone)
  • Round Robin Scheduling- Solved Problem - 1 (clone)
  • Round Robin Scheduling - Solved Problem - 2 (clone)
  • Multilevel Queue Scheduling Algorithm (clone)
  • Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling Algorithm (clone)
  • Scheduling Algorithms - Solved Problems (clone)
  • Process Synchronization - OS (clone)
  • Creation of Pentagon (clone)
  • Homework: Creation of Pentagon (clone)
  • Test 1 (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed