Empowerment Technologies

-Empowerment Technology or E-Tech often deals with the use of different technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, computer and other devices to locate, save, communicate and to inform. Empowerment Technology is important for its innovative uses is sufficient in our daily lives. There are three importance of Empowerment Technology and these are for communication, to make our lives easier and to help our county for its modernization plans.

Empowerment Technology is important for it is used as a source of communication. As years passed, lots of gadgets and other devices have improved its uses. Before, a cellular phone is only used for texting, calling and playing simple games. Now, due to technology convergence or the way technology changes or evolves its system, a cellular phone is not just used for texting, calling and playing simple games. It is now used for communicating people from other places by the use of the internet and applications or softwares such as facebook, messenger, twitter, viber, kakao talk and etc that is consistently been used by mostly everyone of us. Without these applications or softwares, we cannot communicate every day with the people who are far from us. Since Empowerment Technology is well-known among everyone of us, communication with other people who are far from us will never be a problem anymore. Friendships that has been broken by distance has now been rebuilt through the use of Empowerment Technology.

Empowerment Technology is important since it makes our individual lives easier in different aspects such as for school matters, office or work matters and for our individual matters. Before, blackboards and whiteboards are one of the tools used in teaching students. Now, there are already LCD Projectors that is being used by many institutions or schools nowadays. By the help of Empowerment Technology, teachers made their lives easier through the use of these projectors and the students as well made their lives easier in acquiring knowledge. E-Tech is not just useful for the school matters, but it is also useful in an office or work matters and for personal matters as well. For example, when you are ought to make a presentation. Since, technology has evolved, we already has these presentation softwares such as Microsoft presentation, Prezi, Lotus’ Freelance Graphics and etc. Without these presentation softwares, we will all still be stuck onto those visual aid presentation. Empowerment Technology doesn’t just conserve time, but it can make our lives easier.

Empowerment Technology is important for it also helping our country for its modernization plans. We are now living in a world where everyone is upgrading its systems. It is called modernization. Empowerment technologies can help in modernization because it can strengthen our plans to be competitive with other countries by building up some new technologies for the betterment of our nation. Philippines has a potential onto being competitive with other countries such as Finland, Japan, and United States – that its success toward the field of technology is far beyond what everyone expected.

Empowerment Technology is important, for without E-Tech, it will hinder our future success in the field of technology.
  • ICT technology
  • The current state of ICT technologies
  • ICT Documnet 1
  • Quiz 1
  • . Online systems, functions, and platforms
  • Online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette
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  • ICT - doc.2
  • Quiz
  • Contextualized online search and research skills
  • The Internet
  • Chapter Exam
  • E-tech 3.docx
  • Empowerment Technology
  • What is ICT?
  • What is Empowerment Technology?
  • History of the Internet - Empowerment Technologies
  • What is ICT?
  • assignment
  • Empowerment Technologies
  • Empowerment Technologies
  • ICT presentation
  • History of ICT in the Philippines
  • assignment
  • Senior High School - Empowerment Technologies (online platforms)
  • Empowerment Technology
  • Empowerment Technology
  • EmTech - Rules of Netiquette
  • Online Safety, Security, Ethics, and Etiquette in using IC
  • Introduction to Information and Communications Technologies
  • Rules of Netiquette
  • TEST
  • Things to Know Before Getting Into IT
  • The ONE Skill You NEED in IT - Information Technology
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  • Concepts of Information Technology
  • EXAM
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed